Introduction to tidyverse/R

About Me I’m an Assistant Professor in the College of Education I enjoy model building, particularly longitudinal models, and statistical programming. I’ve used R for over 10 years. I have 4 R packages, 3 on CRAN, 1 on GitHub simglm pdfsearch highlightHTML SPSStoR GitHub Repository for this workshop: Why teach the tidyverse The tidyverse is a series of packages developed by Hadley Wickham and his team at RStudio.

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Simulation and Power Analysis of Generalized Linear Mixed Models

Overview Power simglm package Shiny Demo Power Power is the ability to statistically detect a true effect (i.e. non-zero population effect). For simple models (e.g. t-tests, regression) there are closed form equations for generating power. R has routines for these: power.t.test, power.anova.test Gpower3 Power Example n <- seq(20, 1000, 5) power <- sapply(seq_along(n), function(i) power.t.test(n = n[i], delta = .15, sd = 1, type = 'two.

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Make Power Fun (Again?)

Overview (G)LMMs Power simglm package Shiny Demo - Broken! Linear Mixed Model (LMM) Power Power is the ability to statistically detect a true effect (i.e. non-zero population effect). For simple models (e.g. t-tests, regression) there are closed form equations for generating power. R has routines for these: power.t.test, power.anova.test Gpower3 Power Example n <- seq(4, 1000, 2) power <- sapply(seq_along(n), function(i) power.t.test(n = n[i], delta = .

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